Utorrent keeps stopping the download process for no reason?

Bob: Utorrent keeps stopping the download process for no reason?
I’m downloading a gamecube emulator game and utorrent keeps stopping the download process for no reason. My internet connection is perfectly fine, but it keeps becoming inactive for no reason. Any answers?


🙂 Ross
It may be that it has no one to get the information from. If your swarm has no seeds, you can’t do anything.

Give your answer to this question below!

does stopping utorrent download and then resuming it after a while damages the files I’m downloading?

Hagay: does stopping utorrent download and then resuming it after a while damages the files I’m downloading?
I downloaded PS2 game on utorrent and then I shut down the computer and when I opened it again I resumed the download, does it damages the files that I downloaded?


🙂 Ankit
no it doesn’t ,but don’t stop downloade just pause it
hey dude can you tell me the site from where you are downloading the game?

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